Loves Seed

Loves Seed

I do not mind sharing My hand to give in caring I am speaking to the one who deceives My gift you cannot receive Appointed to those that believes Love is not a fabrication I denounce all imitations This seed only grows through divine creation LOVE…… Jeaniene Bonner Davis

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The Candle

The Candle

Soft flickers of motion pierce the darkness; Through bold messages that captivate souls. Proclaims aromas of sweet assurance; Delivers love to hearts of stone that’s grown cold. Brightness of His glory is not hidden. The fire of the Word stands holy and true. Serve, and light the pathway to Jesus the Christ. Ignite a flame to all indecision. No disputes of reasoning far and near. What can extinguish winds of mercy and grace? The torch burns...

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The Chief Cornerstone is the blueprint for construction He has built eternities of Grand Scale. He follows His Father’s blueprint to ensure the foundation is secure. He uses the best materials. He is mindful of images of the grandest houses. Mortar called love is essential in keeping each stone in place The stones are made by hands of an experienced Master Builder. Each stone is precisely imbedded into time. Every facet cut upon the stone is...

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